About POC

Play On Con is the best of camp & con combined! We have all your favorite activities from conventions like 24hr gaming, cosplay, concerts, panels, and parties, as well as all your favorite summer camp activities such as archery, canoeing, swimming, and hiking. 


2025 Badges and Beds can be found here


Currently not accepting applications.


We will not tolerate harassment of any kind.  This includes unwelcome advances, derogatory comments, and attempts to intimidate.  We reserve the right to revoke the membership of anyone caught harassing anyone else. We strive to create a safe and comfortable environment for everyone, and we expect all of our attendees to Play On well with others.  


You can become President of Play On Con! If you get elected President during one year, you'll serve as President the following year.  This will win you a lifetime membership to the con, as well as a free room and 5 full weekend passes for your cabinet members during the year of your Presidency.  You'll also get to pick the con's theme for the year, and you'll have an opportunity to shape various events. How do you win? It's simple: formulate a campaign (you'll be expected to announce your candidacy by Friday) and have the most POCmarks of any candidate by the time of the Cosplay Contest on Saturday night (where "votes" are tallied).


So, what are POCmarks? POCmarks are Play On Con's official currency! You can get them from completing Achievements, winning contests and competitions, and for generally being awesome. You can use them to support a run for President (see above) or you can spend them in the POC Store (a special area in the Open Gaming room)! We'll have games, mystery boxes, and other awesome stuff you can buy there.


Want to volunteer with us? Great! We're always looking for more good help. Also, due to feedback from prior POCsters, we're now accepting part-time volunteers! You'll be rewarded for part-time hours with POCmarks.

  • Part-time volunteers (Minimum 4 hour shift) will win 10 POCmarks/hr.

  • Full time POC volunteers (12hrs+ over the course of the con) will get 150 POCmarks and a free full weekend pass.

If you know where you'd like to volunteer, feel free to reach out to that department's Director on our contact page. If you're flexible or unsure, email us at operations@playoncon.com, and we'll work with you to figure it out! We have a lot of roles behind the scenes that you may not have considered.


  • The 4-H Center dining hall will be open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the con.

  • The 4-H Center front office will offer concession-type food items in between meal times.

  • A food truck will serve outside of the main lodge each night beginning at around 8PM and continuing until around midnight.

  • Paradise Point Marina, just across the street, runs The Point Grill & Bar and a basic supply shop.

  • All of the above vendors should have some vegetarian and gluten free offerings, though sometimes only upon request. The Point has a dedicated section of their menu for plant based options, including Beyond burgers.

  • The rooms do not all have refrigerators. If you need something cold, we recommend a cooler. And the hotel ice machine can never keep up with us, so it’s best to load up before you arrive!

  • If you drive into Columbiana, we recommend The Local Oyster House!